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What daytime TV is looking for during the pandemic - positive stories are welcome.

Writer: Elma GlasgowElma Glasgow

Understandably, many brands have put product launches and key announcements on hold until the media is ready to embrace more non-COVID-19 stories. This is a sensible choice considering so many businesses are struggling to pay employees at the moment, however, it's in moments of downturn that it's very important to remain visible. This is applies even if you're not seeing any sales or donations.

By keeping your brand in the minds of the public and the media, you're maintaining that crucial connection to your audiences. Also, you actually may have some great stories to tell -positive ones are needed more than ever, so it's worth considering continuing at last with some low level media relations activity.

Below is some helpful guidance from a Q&A with a leading daytime TV producer, which streamed on Friday 27th March.

--Strong coronavirus-related stories, but they have to be extremely unusual/ quirky/ impressive. The media moves fast, so they're already looking for standout stories, which are genuinely unique.

--If you're an expert, you need to shout about how great and knowledgeable you are from the rooftops to grab the media's attention, as they're so pressured with deadlines and remote working. Now isn't the time to be humble. Tell then what you'd like to say in a few bullet-pointed statements.

--When emailing the media, it's currently especially important to keep your subject heading short, punchy and must sum up the idea you're pitching - aim for 3-5 words (it's a very tricky skill to master, but a valuable one).

--Our local and regional TV and radio also need content, and as long as the story is quirky or unusual you may attract interest quickly. Also, this sector of the press can be a gateway to the national media who refer to them for new stories.

--If you're feeling apprehensive about approaching the media, wait it out. Focus instead on researching the titles you'd like to get into and note what kind of content they're already running. Then, prepare your future pitch using your research. As always, make it short, snappy and confident.

--Now, in particular, use your judgment. If you, your client or employer wants to push an insensitive angle, it won't go down well. For instance, with many families dealing with the stress of being together 24/7, divorce isn't a good topic. Keep it positive and light.

Be safe.

Thanks to 4mediagroup for providing regular up-to-date media insight.


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